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A Shift is coming....

A shift is coming.....

I’ve felt so low this week, a feeling of tightness in my chest and angst in my @wordinwoodbridge described it a feeling of wearing an uncomfortable jumper...not feeling at home in my own skin.

And then talking with @mybearhut and @cwheeler26.09 I could feel what’s happening...a shift is coming.

Another layer is about to shed, a moment of release. I always get an energy dip before a big shift. I always find myself undone by everything, triggered by a lot and feeling open and vulnerable to the world...and then something moves, a layer is removed and I flow out of it like space and time have moved with me. The power of daily practice and meditation, of study and thought, of writing and questioning, of listening and seeing. Eventually you get to a point when you’re ready to go deeper, my spirit is ready.

I hurt my ankle today, my left side, no idea how but it’s agony, the left side is my female side and I need to allow myself to explore the female energy inside me. Saturday’s workshop couldn’t have fallen at a more powerful time for me. I can’t wait to share a spiritual practice of nourishment and’s going to be magical. Anyway, as I head into the Easter weekend preparing to work through some energy layers, and find my space in this world, what are you doing to top yourself up this weekend?

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